Thursday, February 26, 2009



L O V E..... erm, a very common words that we hear almost every day in our live...

love is an affection, it is something can only be touched by's pure...its the essence of life and bla..bla...

that's what people said..... it is uttered by the adults and by the kids as well....but what is love actually? erm...

according to the wikipedia, love is defined as.......

"any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction"

when it comes to love, u can see all the lovely quotes like these.....

Love is like an eternal flame,Once it is lit, it will continue to burn for all time.

· Love isn't blind, it just only sees what matters.

· Love is a moment that lasts forever... You will know the real meaning of love when you fall in love.

· If a tear fell from my eyes, everytime i wished you were with me
I would have a puddle of fallen wishes at my feet. Through the wind I hear your voice, in the clouds I see your name

· Living life without you just wouldnt be the same If you love someone more than anything,
Then distance only matters to the mind, not to the heart.

is it a feeling, an affection or a fantasy or maybe it is a reality? which one?? for decades, people are said to live with love, some even said it is eternity...people die but love wont..erm, how's that sound like??

as for me, i have my own perception...

LOVE for me is when..

1) I love my GOD
2)I love my PROPHET

3)I love my PARENTS
4)I love my FAMILY

5)I love my FRIENDS

7)I love...........

what about you then? what does love mean to you??

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

shiken?? owatta zo..mou...(@_@)

University Of Dublin, Ireland
i've fallen for this university~ for its HUGE library... like a museum...(@_@)
hoping that there'll be a chance for me to come and to at least visit it~(",)


since rmai da org berkate2 tentang ketidak'update'tan blog ku, kini aku memunculkan diri semula....kekadang tu bukannye ape...cumer cm malas jek..hehe...yer la...hangat2 tahi ayam la katekan..huhu....

btw, now nie...shiken pon da abes and the thing that i need to do is to wait for the result to come up...which is going to be TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

waaaaarrrrrgggghhhh....its freakin me out.....

what will b happening to my seigyou(control theory)??
(machine design)??

huhu....juz dun know what to think of~ hahha

hopefully evrybody will pass and end up flying together di awan yg biru...huhu...

btw, after amek result....its time to>>>>>>>>>>BALIK KAMPUNG~ yeah~

haha...its been a while since i last menjejakkan kakiku ke rumah....2 months kana...hahhaha

mama..............tunggulah kepulangan anakmu ini~ hhhhooooo......

btw, nak g picnic jap ag with wawa tachi jap ag~ huhu.......

jya, mata atode~ huhu(";)...


btw, this is one of my fav westlife's songs..enjoy....!!! kinda classic though (@_@)

Sunday, February 8, 2009


erm....penatnye belaja...huhu....lepas satu satu....hisy...tapi nak wat cmne kan...da name pon student...huhu...どうしても、頑張りたいと思います。。。最後の試験に。。(^_^)

for all JAD students, especially daisenpai...ganbarimasyou ne~ minna de.....nihon he ikeru youni shimasyou~

tu je kot for now....

jya na~(",)..

Saturday, February 7, 2009

welcome to my new virtual world!!!

welcome to miss lilac's page......

seeing my friends starting to make blogs (though we r in the middle of our biggest exam this week)...makes this blog of mine was born officially today...(";)

honestly this is so like my first trial to actually publicize my theory in my own way...huhu...

so, everyone, feel free to drop any comment(s)...


btw, this is one my fav songs...check it out~ (",)...